A few more notes!

You’d think writing a blog post almost every day would mean that I would cover lots of the material. But, there is so much that I haven’t yet written. To catch up, here are a few things of note:

Sara Hendren and Alber: Adaptive technologys shouldn’t be about making people “normal” but about making lots of people “more able” and providing assistance.

Playing with jittery lines. Inspired by Zach’s talk on animation, I had fun playing with drawing jittery lines in D3. Key point to note is how valuable it can be to use the mouse location/movement as interesting input information in addition to more “formal” equations.

You can make conductive paint!

Scratch & the associated curriculum seems pretty great for teaching creative coding. The curriculum isn’t all behind the computer, but has an interesting range of exercises engaging kids to think about core concepts, like how to describe an algorithm, in meaningful ways. Looking forward to spending some time exploring quaternions, the basics of electricity, and projection mapping in D3.

Written on October 30, 2014